A Large-Scale Study of Misophonia 

May 2017
A large online study extensively surveyed personal, developmental, and clinical characteristics of over 300 misophonics.

How everyday sounds can trigger strong emotions: ASMR, misophonia and the feeling of well being.
2020. Paul D. McGeoch.
We propose that synesthetic cross‐activation between the primary auditory cortex and the anatomically adjacent insula may help explain two puzzling conditions—autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR) and misophonia—in which quotidian sounds involuntarily trigger strong emotional responses.

 Inattention in misophonia: Difficulties achieving and maintaining alertness
2020 Feb.Brandon Frank, et.al.
In the current study, we administered the Attention Network Test (ANT) under symptom provocation conditions, as well as secondary measures of concept formation, perseveration, processing speed, and frustration tolerance. We assessed treatment seeking individuals with misophonia and non-clinical controls. We hypothesized higher alerting, orienting, and conflict effects on the ANT suggesting overall poorer performance for the misophonia group

 Development and Psychometric Properties of MisoQuest-A New Self-Report Questionnaire for Misophonia
2020 Mar 10; Marta Siepsiak  et al.
Misophonia is a condition related to experiencing psychophysiological sensations when exposed to specific sound triggers. In spite of progress in research on the subject, a fully validated questionnaire assessing misophonia has not been published yet. 

Misophonia: An Evidence-Based Case Report
2020 Dec 9.  Vanaja, C. and  Miriam Soni Abigail
The purpose of this report is to discuss the assessment of misophonia and highlight the management option that helped a patient with misophonia. 

The Mediating Role of Emotion Regulation Within the Relationship Between Neuroticism and Misophonia: A Preliminary Investigation.
2020 Aug 28. Cassiello-Robbins C, et.al
Although research indicates that problematic emotional responses are a key characteristic of misophonia, it is unknown whether individual differences in experiencing and regulating emotional responses influence severity of misophonia symptoms.

Misophonia - a review of research results and theoretical concepts
April 30, 2019
Misophonia is a new and relatively under-explored condition characterized by experiencing strong emotions (mainly anger and disgust) and a physical response (such as muscle constriction, increased heart rate) when exposed to specific sounds. Among the most frequent aversive triggers are the sounds of eating, breathing, or typing. The experience of misophonia is associated with suffering and a significant decrease in quality of life. The phenomenon was first described in 2002. Since then, numerous case studies and data from psychophysiological and neurological and survey research on this phenomenon have been published. 

 Investigating Misophonia: A Review of the Empirical Literature, Clinical Implications, and a Research Agenda
Feb 7, 2019,  Brout, et al.
Misophonia is a neurobehavioral syndrome phenotypically characterized by heightened autonomic nervous system arousal and negative emotional reactivity (e. g., irritation, anger, anxiety) in response to a decreased tolerance for specific sounds. The aims of this review are to (a) characterize the current state of the field of research on misophonia, (b) highlight what can be inferred from the small research literature to inform treatment of individuals with misophonia, and (c) outline an agenda for research on this topic. 

Misophonia: A scoping review of research.
2019 Jul. Iskra Potgieter et.al. 
To scope the literature describing misophonia populations, management, and research opportunities.
Misophonia - a review of research results and theoretical concepts.
2019 Apr 30. Siepsiak M, Dragan W.
Among the most frequent aversive triggers are the sounds of eating, breathing, or typing. The experience of misophonia is associated with suffering and a significant decrease in quality of life
Misophonia and comorbid psychiatric symptoms: a preliminary study of clinical findings
08 May 2019.  Erfanian, M. et al.
The presence of these varying psychiatric disorders’ features in individuals with misophonia suggests that while misophonia has unique clinical characteristics with an underlying neurophysiological mechanism, may be associated with psychiatric symptoms

Evaluation of selective attention in patients with misophonia.
2019 May-Jun. Silva, F. and Sanchez T
To characterize a sample of misophonic subjects and compare it with two control groups, one with tinnitus individuals (without misophonia) and the other with asymptomatic individuals (without misophonia and without tinnitus), regarding the selective attention

The Brain Basis for Misophonia
Feb 20, 2017,  Kumar et al.
Using functional and structural MRI coupled with physiological measurements, we demonstrate that misophonic subjects show specific trigger-sound-related responses in brain and body. Specifically, fMRI showed that in misophonic subjects, trigger sounds elicit greatly exaggerated blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) responses in the anterior insular cortex (AIC), a core hub of the "salience network" that is critical for perception of interoceptive signals and emotion processing.

Familial misophonia or selective sound sensitivity syndrome : evidence for autosomal dominant inheritance?

Sep-Oct 2018

We found and described a family with 15 members having misophonia, detailing their common characteristics and the pattern of sounds that trigger such strong discomfort.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Alleviating The Distress Caused By Tinnitus, Hyperacusis And Misophonia: Current Perspectives
2019 Oct 23
This article reviews the evidence related to the efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for alleviating the distress caused by tinnitus, hyperacusis and misophonia.
Severity of misophonia symptoms is associated with worse cognitive control when exposed to misophonia trigger sounds
Daniels et al. , January 16, 2020 
The present study aimed to investigate the extent to which the severity of misophonia symptoms is linked with cognitive control under misophonia symptom-provocation circumstances in the general population sample.

Misophonia: Phenomenology, comorbidity and demographics in a large sample
Jager  et al. April 15, 2020
Quality of life was heavily impaired and associated with misophonia severity (rs (184) = -.34 p = < .001, p = < .001).

Misophonia and Potential Underlying Mechanisms: A Perspective
2018 Jun 29 Devon B. Palumbo, et.al.
There is a growing research interest in the diagnosis rate of misophonia, a condition characterized by a negative emotional/autonomic reaction to specific everyday sounds. Diagnosis of misophonia requires a thorough case history and audiological test procedures​

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2017 study of Misophonia in the Chinese population can be found here.

Descriptive Statistics of Misophonia can be found   here.

Youtube on Misophonia, Mindfulness, and Motherhood

Current Research. Click on the RED LinkS

The motor basis for misophonia

2021. Sukhbinder Kumar et al.

“Stronger coupling of vPMC containing orofacial motor cortex and cerebellum to anterior insula supports ‘mirroring’ as a likely mechanism for the autonomic and emotional reaction in misophonia mediated by the anterior insula.” Read the full article here

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Identifying the Optimal Neural Target for Misophonia Interventions
In this study (PI: Neacsiu) funded by the REAM Foundation and supported by CMER, the primary aim is to disentangle the brain circuitry dysfunction in Misophonia when compared to highly emotional dysregulated adults without Misophonia.

Exploring the acceptability, feasibility, and efficacy of two treatments for misophonia 
In this study, participants will complete one of two treatments we believe can help manage symptoms of Misophonia: The Unified Protocol or Process-Based Therapy.

Identifying sounds to use in Misophonia research
The aim of this study is to validate a set of standardized sounds to use in research for those suffering from Misophonia.